General Article What is homelessness?

Topic Selected: Homelessness Book Volume: 398

Homeless is a term used to describe people who do not have permanent accommodation.

To be legally defined as homeless you must lack a secure place in which you are entitled to live or not reasonably be able to stay in.

‘Hidden homelessness’ describes those without a permanent home who instead stay with friends or family. Also known as ‘sofa-surfing’, individuals in this situation may not consider themselves homeless and may not seek support from services. Homelessness charity Crisis estimates that up to 62% of homeless people do not show up on official figures.

Rough sleeping is the most visible and dangerous form of homelessness. The longer someone experiences rough sleeping the more likely they are to face challenges around trauma and mental health.

What causes homelessness?

An individual can become homeless for a number of different reasons.

There are social causes of homelessness including a lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment, domestic abuse, poor mental health...

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