General Article 24 reasons for 24 weeks

Topic Selected: Abortion
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The Tory MP turned anti-abortion campaigner Nadine Dorries on 6 May launched her latest publicity stunt: a website detailing 20 reasons for reducing the upper time limit for abortion from 24 weeks’ gestation to 20 weeks. In fact, this amounts to one reason: that Dorries does not approve of abortion, and she wants to stop women from having them.
There are any number of reasons why the time limit for abortion should not be lowered, and these too come down to one overriding argument. In order to play a full and equal role in society, women need the ability to control their fertility, and without access to abortion they cannot do that. Politicians understood this 41 years ago when they passed the Abortion Act, and they understand it now.
As Parliament moves to discuss amendments to the abortion law through the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, those of us committed to women’s rights and freedom should counter the spurious arguments and junk science put forward by Nadine Dorries and...

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