General Article A world in trust

Topic Selected: Business
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‘The case against CSR: healthier foods, energy conservation and more fuel-efficient vehicles didn’t become common until they became profitable … The only sure way to influence corporate decision-making is to impose an unacceptable cost – regulatory mandates, taxes, punitive fines, public embarrassment – on socially unacceptable behaviour. Pleas for CSR will be truly embraced only by those executives who are smart enough to see that doing the right thing is a by-product of their pursuit of profit. And that renders such pleas pointless.’
Dr Aneel Karnani, Wall Street Journal

‘It’s clear we need a better way to evaluate business leaders. Moving forward, it appears that the new metric of corporate leadership will be closer to this: the extent to which executives create organisations that are economically, ethically and socially sustainable.’
James O’Toole and Warren Bennis

‘Companies can show they are in touch with the real world and public concerns around fair play by looking long and ...

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