General Article Abortion 'does not cause mental health problems'

Topic Selected: Abortion
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The American Psychological Association has issued findings from a comprehensive two-year review of published research on abortion and mental health. The APA concluded that there is ‘no credible evidence that a single elective abortion of an unwanted pregnancy in and of itself causes mental health problems for adult women’.
The APA evaluated studies in peer-reviewed journals since 1989. They found that some studies indicate that some women experience sadness, grief and feelings of loss following an abortion, and some may experience ‘clinically significant disorders, including depression and anxiety.’ However, the task force found ‘no evidence sufficient to support the claim that an observed association between abortion history and mental health was caused by the abortion per se, as opposed to other factors.’
The report noted that other co-occurring risk factors, including poverty, prior exposure to violence, a history of emotional problems, a history of drug or alcohol use and prior un...

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