Even if it is exciting, change is not always easy to cope with. The first few days can be quite bewildering with so many meetings, a sea of new faces, things to do and finding your way around the campus.
It is not at all unusual or surprising to feel lost or lonely in this situation. Other new students may be feeling just the same, and this is the ideal time to meet and make friends. It is important to give yourself time when in this transition and not to expect too much of yourself.
The W-curve and the first year of university
Based upon research done with students studying abroad, the W-curve is a predictable pattern of stages which any first-year student can experience after arriving at university.
Initially, you may think you have made a mistake in going to university but knowing about the W-curve helps you see culture shock as part of a journey everyone goes through.
Emotions during the first year of university often follow a W-shaped curve
The honeymoon
The honeym...
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