Do you discuss your hangovers with your kids?
When you think about the important life lessons you need to teach your kids as they grow up, a conversation about alcohol probably isn’t the top of that list.
But as it is unlikely children will make it to the legal drinking age before they start to form their own opinions on alcohol, experts in the field believe it is crucial parents have opened up this topic of conversation at an early age.
The focus for this year’s Alcohol Awareness Week [13–19 November] is on families, specifically addressing the stigma that can keep teens from hiding the truth about their drinking habits, by having open and honest conversations about drinking.
Vivienne Evans, chief executive of the families, drugs and alcohol charity Adfam told HuffPost UK: “Alcohol is part of our culture in this country and is something children and young people are exposed to through advertising, their peers and their parents.”
Evans continued: “Parents sometimes don’t realise h...
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