General Article Anti-Semitism worldwide, 2010

Topic Selected: Religion
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By Clive Field

This is a newly-published report from Tel Aviv University’s Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism and the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry.

Of the worldwide total of 614 serious incidents in 2010, 144 were recorded in the UK, the highest number for any single country. France came next, with 134, and then Canada, on 99, followed a long way behind by Germany (38), the United States (28) and Australia (27).

The UK total was 61% down on that for 2009 (374 incidents), when anti-Semitism peaked in response to Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. This was larger than the 46% global decrease. UK anti-Semitism in 2010 was at a similar level to 2006 and 2007, according to the Tel Aviv data, but well above the double figures of previous years.

The publishers attribute the UK’s pre-eminence in this global league table of anti-Semitism to the ‘very unique’ fact that Britain exhibits a strong presence of both far...

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