What was claimed
Crime rates in England and Wales are at a record high.
Our verdict
This claim is missing context. While the number of crimes recorded by the police has risen, this is not the best data to understand overall trends. Overall crime as measured by the Crime Survey for England and Wales is actually falling.
‘Crime in England and Wales hits record high’ – Daily Mirror, 27 October 2022.
An article in the Daily Mirror claims that crime rates in England and Wales are at a record high.
The article says: ‘Some 6.5 million offences have been logged in the past year, up 12% on the previous 12 months. The rise has been fuelled by an increase in sex crimes, up 20%, and violent attacks, up 13%, says the Office for National Statistics [ONS].’
Sky News had also covered the figures with a tweet headlined: ‘Crime in England and Wales hits all-time high’. This tweet has since been deleted.
While it is true that the latest ONS figures show that the number of crimes recorded by police ...
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