General Article 'Ban airbrushed photos aimed at teens,' says former anorexia sufferer Rachael Johnston

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Rachael Johnston, a 20-year-old former anorexia suffer, said she was obsessed with images of celebrities when she became ill at just 13.
Now Johnston, who plunged to just 4.5 stone during her illness has launched an e-petition with her mother Lynne which seeks to ban airbrushed images on adverts aimed at young children.
Susan Ringwood, chief executive of the eating disorder charity Beat said airbrushed images could be ‘toxic’ and harm the recovery of those with eating disorders.
‘Everyone is influenced by images that do not portray reality. For those young people whose sense of self-worth is already low, this hyper-perfectionism is toxic.’
Ringwood, whose charity supports an All Party Parliamentary Group on body image added: ‘We know the difference it would make to all young people’s self-esteem and body confidence if they could be sure which of the images they see are natural and true to life.’
Johnston mentions in the e-petition how those under-16 are the ‘most vulnerable to body image...

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