A deep dive into the data behind the holiday business, with graphics and charts.
By Arnau Busquets Guàrdia
Tourism in Europe is booming – but not everyone is smiling in the sunshine.
Barcelona is trying to stop the construction of new hotels. The Louvre Museum in Paris had to close in May after staff went on strike over an ‘unprecedented deterioration in visiting and working conditions’ caused by ever-increasing crowds. Amsterdam launched the ‘Enjoy and Respect’ campaign and increased fines for drinking and urinating in public.
These three capitals were also among 10 European cities that this summer published a joint letter expressing concern about the ‘explosive growth’ of Airbnb and other holiday rental websites.
Worries about ‘overtourism’ are growing – but not many Europeans seem ready to forgo their summer holidays or weekend breaks, with EU residents now travelling more than ever. More than half of the bloc’s citizens travel for pleasure every year.
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