General Article Bullying wrecks lives

Topic Selected: Anti-Bullying
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Nearly all children and young people with a learning disability are bullied

Ashley’s story

‘I’m still scared of the bullies and I’m worried walking alone in school, in case I bump into him.’
I’m Ashley and I’m 12 years old. I like to play computer games and to go on the Internet. I want to design computer games and animations. I need help with reading and writing.
On the first day I started my new school, I was told by a bully to get out of his school. He said he did not like the look of me. He had two more bully friends – a boy and girl. I was spat on, sweared at and kicked.
I came home moody and upset, I did not want to go back to school. I hated the bully and his friends.

8 out of 10 children with a learning disability are bullied

82% of children and young people with a learning disability have experienced bullying. They are twice as likely to be bullied as other children.1
Children with a learning disability are more likely to be targeted by bullies because of their disabilit...

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