General Article Charging into poverty

Topic Selected: Ageing
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Rising care charges are putting older and disabled people at risk of not being able to afford to eat, heat their homes, wash or get essential support, says a new report published today (4 June) by the Coalition on Charging.
The report is backed by 18 major organisations that form the Coalition – representing disabled people, older people, people with long-term health conditions and carers.
Based on a snapshot survey, the report, Charging into poverty?, reveals that rising charges for people to receive care in their own homes, are causing disabled and older people in England to reduce or even stop their support services.
The survey found that:

  • 80% of people surveyed who no longer use care services say the charges contributed to their decision to stop their support.
  • A fifth (22%) of people surveyed who are currently using support suggested they would stop if charges increased further.
  • 29% of respondents do not feel their essential expenditure (related to impairment/health condition)...

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