The scientists of CAMbrella, an EU-funded pan-European research network for CAM, today present the findings of their three years’ work. They confirm that CAM is a much neglected area of research and that knowledge, provision and handling of CAM differs greatly in the different countries of Europe. Europe lags behind North America, Asia and Australia in its approach to CAM and there is an urgent need for a centralised and coordinated effort to enhance the knowledge about this field. The researchers called for a coordinated European approach, presenting a ‘Roadmap for European CAM research’.
CAM is in high demand by the citizens of Europe: as many as half of all citizens in Europe use complementary and alternative medicine for their healthcare needs; speaking at the final conference in Brussels today, project coordinator Dr Wolfgang Weidenhammer, centre for CAM research at the TU Munich, said: ‘Citizens are the driver for the use of CAM. Their needs and views on CAM are a key priority...
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