When it comes to sex or any kind of intimate activity with a partner, whether you’re in a relationship with them or not, consent is key.
Consent is about your choice when it comes to having sex with someone. It’s also about saying what you are and aren’t comfortable with doing when it comes to sex – whether it’s kissing, touching or anything else.
What is consent?
Consent is when you want something to happen and agree to it. It’s important that no one ever does anything sexual to you unless you consent – it’s your body and no one should ever do anything to you that you don’t want.
If someone puts pressure on you by saying things like ‘Come on, you won’t know if you like it until you try’, uses threats to try to get you to do things by saying things like ‘You wouldn’t want me to post that picture on Snapchat/Instagram would you?’ or tries to manipulate you by saying things like ‘I thought you were cool/more experienced’, they’re not respecting you and it wouldn’t be consent.
It doesn...
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