General Article Crime 'affecting fewer people'

Topic Selected: Crime and Justice
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The latest crime and justice survey estimated 874,000 crimes were committed in 2010/11, including 220,000 violent crimes.
That means 17.8% of people were a victim of crime, down from 19.3% the previous year.
The proportion who were the victim of a violent crime also fell, from 3.6% in 2009/10 to 3%.
People in Scotland were less likely to be the victim of crime than those in England and Wales, where 21.5% of people were affected.
Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill hailed the new figures, saying: ‘Scotland is becoming safer. Violent crime is down, fewer Scots are likely to become victims of crime and the risk of crime is lower in Scotland than in England and Wales.
‘Recorded crime in Scotland is at its lowest level in 35 years. Reoffending rates are at an 11-year low and the 1,000 additional police officers that this Government has put on the streets are protecting the public.’
However, 45% believed the crime rate in Scotland had increased and one in 20 adults were repeat victims of property...

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