Latest bulletin from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Main points
Overall levels of crime showed falls in recent decades, but have remained broadly stable in recent years. While in the last year there has been no change in overall levels of crime, this hides variation seen in individual crime types. The latest figures show a mixed picture, with continued rises in some types of theft, ‘bank and credit account fraud’ and falls in ‘computer viruses’. There were also increases in some of the less frequently occurring but higher-harm types of violence, including offences involving knives or sharp instruments.
Headline figures
The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) indicated a continuing rise in fraud with the latest estimates showing a 15% increase, driven by a 17% rise in ‘bank and credit account fraud’.
All other main crime types measured by CSEW showed no change, including lower-harm violent offences (for example, viole...
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