What are digital footprints and how do they affect an online reputation?
We have all heard of the term ‘digital footprints’ but do we really understand what it means? It is important that parents and carers do understand what these footprints are so that they can in turn educate their children and help them to know what risks they might be placing themselves in when sharing information online, or just looking innocently at websites.
Whatever we are doing on the Internet we can leave a trail of information behind us which people can use to determine what we might be interested in buying, or for other less savoury purposes such as trying to hack into our online accounts and trying to access passwords, etc.
So what is a digital footprint?
A digital footprint is data that is left behind when users have been online. There are two types of digital footprints which are passive and active. A passive footprint is made when information is collected from the user without the person knowing thi...
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