Since 1 December 2003 it has been unlawful to discriminate against somebody at work on the grounds of their sexual orientation. The new law applies to all employment and vocational training and includes recruitment, terms and conditions, promotions, transfers, dismissals and training at work. Sexual orientation is broadly defined as orientation towards persons of the same sex (gay men and lesbians), orientation towards persons of the opposite sex (heterosexual) or orientation towards a person of the same sex and the opposite sex (bisexual).
What type of discrimination is covered?
Direct discrimination
Direct discrimination occurs when a worker or a job applicant is treated less favourably on grounds of their sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. So, if somebody is not employed, or is dismissed, or is not provided with training or promotion, or given unfavourable terms and conditions of employment, or denied access to other benefits, purely on the grounds of their se...
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