General Article Don’t miss out when you go vegetarian or vegan

Topic Selected: Dietary Choices Book Volume: 350
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While around 5% of the UK population is vegetarian or vegan, plant-based eating has taken off as a dietary trend with more and more of us experimenting with vegan foods as an alternative to our favourite meat dishes.

There are lots of great things to say about plant-based foods, such as beans, peas, tofu and soya. They tend to be higher in fibre and lower in fat while still providing lots of protein. However, they can be lower in other nutrients than meat dishes so what can you do to avoid missing out on those valuable vitamins and minerals?

Dr Carrie Ruxton, from the Health and Food Supplements Information Service (HSIS), says:

‘Vegetarian means cutting out all meat and poultry as well as fish. Most vegetarians still eat eggs and dairy foods, but their iron and zinc levels can be low. Going vegan means giving up all animal-sourced foods and drinks including meat, fish, eggs and dairy. So, the challenges to reach your recommended nutrient levels, especially for vitamins B12 and D, a...

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