General Article Dos and don'ts

Topic Selected: Self-harm and Suicide
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If you have noticed a pattern of behaviours in someone you know that is consistent with some of the risk factors and warning signs, it is time to take action. Here are some things you should and should not do when you think someone may be at risk of suicide:

Remain calm

Though you may be shocked and overwhelmed, it is important to try to stay relaxed. By remaining calm, you are creating a comfortable atmosphere for the person who is suicidal to open up to you and reach out for your help. Do not give up hope or begin to panic. If an individual is opening up to you, he or she must trust you and feel comfortable with you. Do not doubt yourself in the situation. It is important that the person have someone with them, so make sure to not leave him or her alone. Remember, what this person really needs right now is a friend.

Be prepared to talk about suicide

Four out of five completed suicides gave clear warning signs before the attempt. While death is an uncomfortable subject for many...

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