General Article Drink driving

Topic Selected: Alcohol Book Volume: 397

The risks, the law, the limits and the penalties.

Drink-driving is one of the biggest killers on our roads with even small amounts of alcohol impairing driving and increasing risk.

In this fact page we will cover:

  • the effects of alcohol on driving
  • the drink-driving laws in the UK
  • the penalties for drink-driving in the UK
  • how to assess your fitness to drive

How alcohol affects your driving

Alcohol is a depressant and even small amounts (such as half a pint of lager) affect reaction times, judgement and co-ordination. Alcohol also makes you drowsy and affects vision and how you judge speed and distance.

Drivers who drink-drive are also not able to assess their own impairment because alcohol creates a false sense of confidence. This means that drivers are more inclined to take risks and believe they are in control when they are not. For these reasons, the only way for drivers to be safe is to not drink anything at all before driving: feeling sober is not a reliable indication that yo...

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