We hope that this article will be helpful if:
- You feel that your eating or dieting may be a problem.
- You think you might have anorexia or bulimia.
- Other people worry that you have lost too much weight.
- You have a friend or relative, son or daughter, who is having a problem of this sort.
It does not deal with the problems of being overweight.
We all have different eating habits. There are a large number of ‘eating styles’ which can allow us to stay healthy. However, there are some which are driven by an intense fear of becoming fat and which actually damage our health. These are called ‘eating disorders’ and involve:
- Eating too much.
- Eating too little.
- Using harmful ways to get rid of calories.
This article deals with two eating disorders – anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It describes the two disorders separately:
- The symptoms of anorexia and bulimia are often mixed – some people say that they have ‘bulimarexia’.
- The pattern of symptoms can change over time ...
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