Eco-towns should be designed so that homes will be within 400 metres of public transport 'nodes' and within 800 metres of local shops and services, according to detailed guidance published by the Town and Country Planning Association in collaboration with the Government.
Professor David Lock CBE MRTPI was recently commissioned by Communities and Local Government (CLG) to provide practical advice to help potential bidders, local authorities and others on how the eco-towns initiative can be taken forward.
This is part of the drive to create more affordable homes set in communities that are sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms.
The scoping report published this week is the first publication by TCPA and David Lock on eco-towns.
It is distinct from CLG’s Eco-towns Prospectus, published 23 July 2007; this report provides more in-depth preliminary ideas on criteria and other independent practitioner advice on the first stage of the eco-towns programme.
Drawing on practical ex...
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