GCSE performance
In 2004 Chinese pupils were the most likely to achieve five or more GCSE grades A*-C in England, with 79 per cent of Chinese girls and 70 per cent of Chinese boys respectively. Indian pupils had the next highest achievement levels: 72 per cent of Indian girls and 62 per cent of Indian boys achieved these levels.
The lowest levels of GCSE attainment were among Black Caribbean pupils, particularly boys. Only 27 per cent of Black Caribbean boys and 44 per cent of Black Caribbean girls achieved five or more A*-C grade GCSEs. Pupils from the Black African, Other Black and Mixed White and Black Caribbean groups had the next lowest levels of attainment.
Within each ethnic group a higher proportion of girls than boys achieved five or more GCSE grades A*-C (or equivalent).
School exclusions
In 2003/04 pupils from Black Caribbean, Other Black and Mixed White and Black Caribbean groups were among the most likely to be permanently excluded from schools in Engla...
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