What are employment rights?
By law, all employees have certain rights – drawn up by various governments over the years – to ensure ‘fair’ relations between employees and employers.
Statutory rights, those rights endowed by law, form the minimum standard for an employee’s treatment in the workplace.
Areas of employment rights
Some of the most prominent employment rights that exist in the UK, include the following:
National Living Wage
All employees in the United Kingdom aged over 23 are entitled to the National Living Wage, which in 2021 was set at £8.91. Those under 23 are entitled to the National Minimum Wage which operates under the same principle but with slightly lower rates for younger workers and those on apprenticeship schemes.
By law, full time workers are entitled to 28 days annual leave during the year including bank holidays. This leave must be paid at the worker’s normal rate of remuneration.
For part time workers, the minimum holiday requirement is calculated to r...
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