General Article Facts about stress

Topic Selected: Anxiety
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Most official statistics on stress are two years old at best and statistics from other sources vary widely.
Here are just a few:

  • Stress and chronic ill health in the workplace costs £100 billion [per year] – Dame Carole Black, ISMA Conference 2009
  • An estimated 442,000 individuals in Britain who worked in 2007/08 believed that they were experiencing work-related stress at a level that was making them ill – Labour Force Survey Government Stats
  • Estimates indicate that self-reported work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for an estimated 13.5 million lost working days in Britain in 2007/08 – Labour Force Survey
  • Direct cost of sickness absence estimated as £635 per person per year – CIPD 2008
  • Indirect costs of sickness absence have been measured as twice the direct costs, i.e. £1,270, making a total of £1,905 per employee per year: typically around 9% of payroll costs – Norwich Union Healthcare
  • In 2008, for every 80p spent on health promotion and intervention program...

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