The Fawcett Society is today publishing its 2022 Sex and Power Index – the biennial report which charts the progress towards equal representation for women in top jobs across the UK. Yet again, the report reveals the pace of change is glacial in the majority of sectors and shows that women are outnumbered by men 2:1 in positions of power.
The data also shows that women of colour are under-represented at the highest levels in many sectors and alarmingly, reveals that they are missing altogether from senior roles such as Supreme Court Justices, Metro Mayors, Police and Crime Commissioners and FTSE 100 chief executives.
While overall progress is far too slow, the report shows that women’s representation has improved in a minority of key areas with the Scottish Parliament, London Assembly, Combined Authorities and Local Economic Partnerships (LEPs) having made solid progress towards equality since the last Sex and Power Index was published in 2020. This clearly shows that progress is po...
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