General Article Fight against cyberbullying launched in Dundee

Topic Selected: Cyberbullying Book Volume: 361
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A new campaign to fight online bullying has been launched in Tayside.

By Emma Crichton

DigiKnow was unveiled at Dundee Science Centre on Tuesday as part of Safer Internet Day and has already been backed by some of the world’s biggest IT companies.

The initiative will provide teachers with resources and support to use the internet for education, while teaching children to protect themselves from cyberbullying and exploitation.

DigiKnow was developed in a partnership between the Scottish Government, Police Scotland, a Young Scot steering group of teenagers, and Education Scotland, as part of the recently launched Digital Schools Awards programme. It has been backed by technology companies HP, Microsoft and Intel.

Maree Todd, Scotland’s minister for children and young people, said: ‘The proliferation of the internet and advances in digital technologies have brought around much positive change but in an age when mobile technologies are integrated into almost every aspect of our lives, e...

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