This week’s furore over entirely legal migration proves it was never the kind of foreigner you were, simply your foreignness.
By Aditya Chakrabotty
Few sights are as sad as someone who gets exactly what they want and hates it, yet that is exactly how the British right behaves.
Hacking back the state? They swung the axe for a decade, only to complain about the damage done. Boris Johnson? Once their surefire winner, he has made them all losers. And, of course, there’s Brexit – the summit towards which so many trudged, only to find the view from the top a dud. Every last one of the right’s grievances has been dealt with, and it drives them mad.
The best illustration of this paradox is the item forever at the top of the rage list: immigration. For days, the usual blimpish faces in Westminster and across the press have been mottling with fury at the prospect of official figures showing a record high in the net total of people coming to this country – through the proper channels, with the...
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