General Article Half of UK householders think it’s cheaper to leave the home heating on all day at low temperature

Topic Selected: Energy
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Energy Saving Trust launches energy saving mythbusters in bid to help UK householders cut fuel bills.



Half (50 per cent) of all UK householders think it’s cheaper to leave their home heating on all day than turning the heating on or off and up or down when required.

This finding is part of an energy saving mythbusting survey commissioned by the Energy Saving Trust as part of Big Energy Saving Week, which highlights the perceptions of the UK public and how they don’t always match the reality of the energy saving action or statement.

The survey was carried out to a sample of 2,067 online adults in the UK aged 16–75 earlier this month.

Other findings from the Ipsos MORI survey include:

  • 30 per cent that think screensavers on computers save energy.
  • Almost half (45 per cent) think switched-off electrical appliances don’t use electricity when they’re plugged in at the mains.
  • Nearly half (48 per cent) agreed that it’s a hassle to change energy suppliers.
  • Two thirds (66 per cent) of peo...

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