General Article ‘Her death is not in vain’: Bekhal Mahmod says women and girls must be protected from so-called hono

Topic Selected: 'Honour-based' Abuse Book Volume: 443

By Hannana Siddiqui, Head of Policy, Campaigns and Research, Southall Black Sisters

In 2015, 14 July was declared a Day of Memory for victims of so-called honour-based abuse. It marks the birthday of Shafilea Ahmed, who was killed by her parents in a so-called ‘honour killing’ in 2003.  This blog pays tribute to all victim-survivors of so-called honour-based abuse and their bereaved or supportive families and friends.   

In her newly released memoir, No Safe Place, Bekhal Mahmod recalls a history of repeated abuse from her parents, particularly her father, for being a ‘troublemaker’ – a rebellious child who refused to accept her botched female genital mutilation (FGM) and other restrictions on her body and mind in order to control her sexuality as a girl and then as a young woman. She was first beaten when she was only six for innocently touching her much older male cousin’s odd-looking fingernails, leaving her confused and frightened of her own parents.

‘There were no explanations...

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