‘They treated me as if it was my fault for being homeless. They didn’t treat me with any kind of respect. They treated me like scum to be honest.’
By Lisa Borthwick, Senior Policy Advocacy Officer at Shelter Scotland
Sarah’s words, speaking to my colleagues at Shelter Scotland, show that the right to housing is often not realised for people on the sharp end of the housing emergency. Sarah was pregnant at the time, and she was still denied the right to a safe and affordable home.
Even though housing is a human right, specifically in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the law in Scotland does not recognise this right in the same way. Shelter Scotland still has work to do, to make sure that this right is fully realised, and to make sure that everyone has access to a safe, secure and affordable home.
But, earlier this month, Scotland came one step closer to recognising this right to a home, when plans for a new human rights bill were announced. Of course, this is still subject t...
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