The official government estimate is that in the UK in 2013 there were around 20,000 dependent children living in same-sex couple families (“Common Law Marriage” and Cohabitation report, p.5).
Current statistics
How many children have been adopted by LGBT people in Britain?
As of 11 December 2015, there had been 1,825 adoptions by LGBT people in Great Britain since reporting began. However, these official statistics exclude:
- the sexual orientation or gender identity of single adopters
- bisexual people not in a same-sex relationship
- trans people – unless they are part of a same-sex couple.
Opposite is a summary of the total number of adoptions by country to adopters either in same-sex relationships, a civil partnership or a same-sex marriage.
Total number: 1,825
Sources: English data is from gov.uk, Scottish data is from the National Records of Scotland website and Welsh data is from the Stats Wales website.
Fostering in Britain
9,070 fostering families are needed across the UK i...
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