How the world might look if animals had legal rights
Let’s picture what our societies might look like if animals were granted rights against being killed, made to suffer or exploited for human gain.
When activists argue for animal rights, they ask us to imagine a different world. First, we need to understand how our lives are shaped by animals’ lack of rights.
The range of uses we put animals to is enormous – going far beyond food, labour and clothing. We use gelatin to treat paper, from loo-roll to watercolour paper. Tallow finds its way into our banknotes, animal hair gives structure to suits and milk protein is found in condoms and any number of tablets. Beeswax and shellac (manufactured by crushing countless lac beetles) are used to make sweets shiny and treat wood.
We even use waste from animal carcasses as biofuel.
Many religious and national festivals involve consuming meat or wearing costumes made from animal parts. Animal products are ...
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