If you have debts, you’ll need to work out if you’ve got enough money to pay off what you owe.
To do this, you will need to work out how much money you’ve got coming into your household and how much you need to spend. This is called your budget. Once you’ve worked out your budget, you’ll be able to see how much you’ve got left over to pay off your debts.
This article tells you how to work out whether you’ve got any money to pay your debts off.
If you are worried about how to deal with your debts, there is free, confidential advice available.
Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can give you advice about debt problems. To search for details of your nearest CAB, including those that can give advice by email, please visit the CAB website at www.adviceguide.org.uk.
Listing your income
The first thing you need to do to work out your budget is list all the income for your household. Be honest and make sure that the amounts are realistic.
The list of your income should include:
- wages or salar...
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