By Dayna McAlpine
‘Oh my god Dayna, I almost didn’t recognise you there!’
My heart dropped as I faced the person beaming at me, their hand gripped on my arm to stop me in my tracks.
My mouth went dry as I faced the older version of a high school memory that I’d spent years pushing out of my mind.
‘I hear you’re doing so well these days right? Big jumps since school, eh?’
I stared blankly as it all flashed in front of me. The bullying I suffered at the hands of this person, and of my peers.
Whispers quiet enough to bring tears to my eyes but not loud enough for the teachers to hear.
The stabbing pain of an elbow rammed into my ribs ‘by accident’. The smirks, the stares, the made up rumours, the never-ending reminders that I wasn’t enough.
The girls who claimed to be ‘fine with me’ but who threw their heads back and cackled as they saw their peers terrorise me.
The terrifying and desperate want for it all to end; feelings my teenage brain just couldn’t handle.
And then I saw her in m...
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