Gets really drowsy
- Calm them and be reassuring.
- NEVER give coffee to rouse them.
- If symptoms persist, place them in the recovery position.
- Call an ambulance if necessary.
Gets tense and panics
- Calm them and be reassuring.
- Explain that the feelings will pass.
- Steer them clear of crowds, noisy music and bright lights.
- If they start breathing very quickly, calm them down and encourage them to take long, slow breaths.
Gets too hot and dehydrates
- Move them to a cooler, quiet area (outside is often best).
- Remove excess clothing and try to cool them down.
- Encourage them to sip non-alcoholic fluids such as fruit juice and isotonic sports drinks (about a pint every hour).
- If symptoms persist call an ambulance, but make sure someone stays with them.
Ecstasy and speed affect the body’s temperature control. If users dance energetically without taking regular breaks or keeping up fluids, there’s a real danger that their bodies could overheat and dehydrate (los...
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