General Article International Women’s Day: global opinion remains committed to gender equality, but half now believe

Topic Selected: Gender Equality Book Volume: 432

Ipsos unveils a new global study carried out in 32 countries in collaboration with the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London for International Women’s Day 2023.

Jessica Bruce, Public Affairs and Olivia Ryan, Public Affairs

Key takeaways

7 in 10 (68%) agree there is currently inequality between men and women in terms of social, political, and/or economic rights in their country, down slightly from 2017.

However, 1 in 2 (54%) say that when it comes to giving women equal rights with men, things have gone far enough in their country – gradually increasing since 2019.

There are concerns about the impact of equality on men, with half (54%) agreeing men are being expected to do too much to support equality (also up from 2019), and half (48%) agreeing that things have gone so far in promoting women’s equality that men are being discriminated against.

Even so, 3 in 5 (62%) agree there are actions they can take to help promote equality, with a similar share (56%) re...

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