Having been sterilised in January 1998, I’d been told that my more likely chance of having a baby, eight years later, would be IVF.
As I already had children from a previous relationship, I was told that there would be no financial assistance from the NHS and that I would have to attend a private hospital.
October 2006 was our first appointment with the Consultant Paediatrician (who was the same man that I had seen at my local hospital), where we discussed the options of which type of IVF we would need.
And so the regime started. Tablets every day for three months to prepare my body for possible pregnancy, followed by injections every day in my leg.
The injections started off well. No problem in doing them myself, until one day, I just froze and wasn’t able to do any more. I felt like a failure! Why was I suddenly being so silly? I had the syringe ready. I had a clean leg. What was the problem? I just couldn’t do it and I felt stupid.
Later that day, I had an appointment at the...
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