How working with your brain can help return you to health and happiness.
By Jennifer Fraser Ph.D.
Life after workplace bullying can be an ongoing torment as the target struggles to recover. For far too many, life after workplace bullying is one where illness and mental anguish continue to rule the day. The bullied brain needs to create a recovery plan. There are evidence-based steps to take in order to repair and recover after maltreatment in the workplace.
A number of my coaching clients have suffered from workplace bullying, and they are seeking techniques to return to their natural brain health. Before they get to the practices that are documented in science to help with a bullied brain, we address the confusion around why the bullying happened, and the frequent sense targets have that it was their own fault. Self-blame is a dead-end street on the road to recovery.
My clients want to know why as employees, they remained in a toxic environment and suffered repeat abuses. To overco...
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