General Article Listen, understand, act: social media for engagement

Topic Selected: Life Online
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Not long ago, social media was a phenomenon viewed by many in education with some suspicion: useful, perhaps, for marketing departments to issue press releases, but surely not a serious tool for academic or professional purposes? After all, isn’t Twitter just celebrity chit-chat? What could Facebook possibly have to do with a quality learning experience? Where does LinkedIn fit into the picture?

At first, some institutions were keen to block social media as – at best – a disruptive influence or – at worst – a safety threat. Its path to acceptance as a legitimate communication channel has not been smooth.

Changing behaviours

Yet attitudes and habits appear to be changing. Last year, for example, Jisc Inform reported on successful experiences with Twitter and Facebook in a range of organisations, highlighting for example how negative feedback can be turned to positive effect. Examples of social media use are discussed in academic forums such as The Guardian Higher Education Network...

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