Seven in ten (71%) online consumers in 24 countries indicate that in the past month, they have shared some type of content on social media sites. The findings reflect a new poll of 18,150 respondents conducted by Ipsos OTX – the global innovation centre for Ipsos, the world’s third largest market and opinion research firm. Three in ten (29%) indicate they ‘haven’t shared any content in the past month’.
The most popular shared item found in the poll is pictures, as four in ten (43%) indicate they have shared pictures online in the past month. Following next are: ‘my opinion’ (26%), a ‘status update of what/how I’m doing’ (26%), ‘links to articles’ (26%), ‘something I like or recommend, such as a product, service, movie, book, etc.’ (25%), ‘news items’ (22%), ‘links to other websites’ (21%), ‘reposts from other people’s social media posts’ (21%), ‘status update of what I’m feeling’ (19%), ‘video clips’ (17%), ‘plans for future activities, trips, plans’ (9%) and ‘other types of conten...
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