Studies have shown that the majority of men display signs of some form of body dysmorphia, while hyper-jacked actors such as Channing Tatum and Zac Efron have expressed regret over their unhealthy workout regimes. Are we in the midst of a male body-image crisis, asks Matthew Neale
If you’ve ever been trapped in a conversation about ‘dream dinner party guests’, you’ll know the curious schadenfreude of watching people work out which aspects of their personality they want to showcase. The last time it happened to me, someone picked Jason Momoa and Channing Tatum for ‘eye candy’, alongside – who else? – Martin Luther King Jr. While we’ll perhaps never know Aquaman’s views on the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955, the conversation did highlight our society’s continued deference to jacked, hyper-masculine bodies.
Tatum himself was in the news earlier this year for speaking up about his own physique, specifically in the Magic Mike films. Appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show, the actor deflect...
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