General Article Media and communication trends

Topic Selected: The Media
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Key findings

People watch 3.7 hours of television per day, listen to the radio for 2.1 hours and access the Internet for 1.8 hours per day. The time people spend on the Internet has increased by 38% in the past two years, 37% of adults claim to social network each week, and the time spent writing to someone on paper has fallen to just 1% of communication time.
The IPA TouchPoints Survey is one of the most ambitious pieces of media research ever undertaken. It provides communication strategists with a consumer-centric planning tool which analyses how people are using the increasingly wide range of media available to them and how this usage fits in to their lifestyles.
IPA TouchPoints3, which has been conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, has been extensively updated and expanded, particularly in its coverage of digital media (including mobile, VOD, social networking), and with the addition of word-of-mouth and gaming. It also provides a range of trend data where comparisons with IPA TouchPoints...

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