General Article MPs call for magic mushrooms and psychedelic drugs to be downgraded

Topic Selected: Drugs Book Volume: 444

Cross-party committee also backs wider use of cannabis for medicinal use and drug ‘consumption rooms’.

By Adam Forrest

Magic mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs should be reclassified as ‘a matter of urgency’ to support clinical research into medical and therapeutic treatment, a group of influential MPs have said.

A report by the home affairs committee said there was a ‘growing body of evidence’ that suggests psychedelics – and psilocybin in particular – may have therapeutic benefits, including treating depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The cross-party group recommended that Rishi Sunak’s government downgrades the class A psychedelic drugs from schedule 1 to schedule 2 so academics can test the ‘therapeutic value’ more easily.

The powerful committee backed greater provision of cannabis-based products for medicinal use – though it stopped short of saying cannabis should be legalised or regulated for non-medical use.

The cross-party group of MPs also recommended ...

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