Trends since the early 1970s.
The average distance people travel per year has increased by 47%. Most of this growth occurred during the 1970s and 1980s and was largely due to an increase in average trip lengths, which have risen by 52% since the early 1970s.
Trip rates increased until the mid-1990s, but have since fallen and are below the 1970s’ level. However, trips of over one mile have increased by 27% since the early 1970s. Since the late 1990s, the average distance travelled and average trip lengths have generally levelled off.
Trends since 1995/97
Between 1995/97 and 2013 there was a steady falling trend in trip rates. In 2013, on average each person made 923 trips per year, compared with 1,094 in 1995/97 – a fall of 16% and the lowest trip rate recorded. For trips over one mile in length, there was a fall of only 6%.
The average distance travelled per person per year was 6% lower in 2013 than in 1995/97 – 6,983 miles compared with 6,584 miles. Distance travelled peaked in 2...
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