General Article New project to help young women deal with social media body image pressures

Topic Selected: Body Image & Self-Esteem Book Volume: 446

Young women navigating the complex world of body image on social media are the focus of a new project launched this week.

Researchers from the University of Portsmouth and The Girls’ Network (Portsmouth) will work together with local young women to create a ‘toolkit’, to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to cope with potentially harmful social media content.

As part of the project researchers will introduce girls to historic media content, including 19th and 20th century magazines and adverts, to show them that beauty ideals and body image perceptions have evolved over time. 

Negative body image has become a growing concern affecting thousands of young girls in the UK. Media, advertising and celebrity culture have been highlighted as important influences on negative body image in reports from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image (2012) and the 2021 House of Commons report into body image. MPs and charities have recognised the need to equip young girls with t...

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