General Article New study reveals common stumbling blocks for step-families

Topic Selected: Families and Parenting
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A study examining the complicated dynamics facing those who leave an existing partner to ‘take on’ another's family, found that despite the increasing number of modern families comprising of more than one set of parents, many find it a struggle coping with the trials and tribulations which come with the territory.

As well as adapting to becoming a parent to someone else’s child – often soon after a traumatic separation or divorce – step-parents also find themselves at loggerheads with their new partners with issues such as discipline and money (regular stumbling blocks).

Other fall outs included rows over whether they were being ‘spoilt’ or allowed to ‘get away’ with too much, the kids playing parents off against each other and ex-partners either demanding too much money or not being willing to fairly contribute towards the costs involved with bringing up the children.

Anastasia de Waal, Chair of Family Lives said: ‘When two families merge into one it’s always going to be tricky ...

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