Trolling online, like most things, probably started as a joke, a bit of fun which has slowly but surely escalated into the extremes. From the controversial, to the critical, to the horrendously offensive, trolls’ comments online can spark arguments and damage targets’ self-esteem, confidence and mental health: trolls entertaining themselves at the expense of others. Mental health is such a prevalent topic nowadays, yet when it comes to cyberbullying and online harassment from trolls, the conversation just doesn’t seem to be there – even though the statistics are so shocking. So why aren’t we talking about trolling more?
In the light of Halloween, we want to explore this topic more, because there’s nothing scarier than the reality we’re facing. What really goes on in the mind of online trolls; why do they torment and harass others? What can we do to prevent such behaviour? Read on to find out our thoughts.
We live in an age where we’re living two lives: in reality and online. The ris...
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