There are a wealth of statistics in relation to bullying both in the UK and overseas and you will regularly see bullying reported in the media. Research from the Department for Education looking at pupils in year 10 found that:
- 40% of young people were bullied in the last 12 months.
- 6% of all young people had experienced bullying daily. 9% between once a week and once a month.
- Most common form of bullying was name calling (including via text and email) at 26%, followed by exclusion from social groups at 18%.
- 21% of children who had experienced bullying daily had truanted in the last 12 months - 3 times the proportion of those who were not bullied. Young people who had experienced bullying daily also most likely to truant for the longest period of time. Girls almost twice a likely to truant because of bullying than boys.
- 24% of children bullied most days also most likely to be kept off school by their parents.
- 15% of children who had experienced bullying daily had been excluded fro...
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